
Baby Shower Gifts You Desperately Need But Probably Won't Get

As women, we understand how difficult it is to go through nine months of pregnancy, and how even more challenging it becomes once the baby is born. This is precisely why we hold baby showers for our dear girlfriends to help give them the support they need for the journey ahead.

Baby showers are an age old tradition in which the mom-to-be is bestowed with special gifts in preparation for the baby’s birth. While gift registries are available to make sure that the special celebrants get what they want, often first time mothers do not really know what they need.

Whether you are the host or a guest, here is a list of baby must-haves that you need to keep in mind:

1. Medicine Kit

This is first on the list because it is an absolute necessity for any new mommy to have a special medicine kit for their newborns. Instead of showering her with cute onesies and dozens of diaper bags, giving her this gift will save her from a whole lot of trouble and anxieties in the near future.

2. Starter Library

Instead of toys, it would actually be better to buy a starter library comprised of children book classics for the baby and the soon to be mom. Books are valuable tools to help children learn the right values early on. What’s more, this gift will also give the future mommy and baby a chance to bond over a good book.

3. Baby Bath Seat

Remember those pink and blue plastic tubs you used to give away at bridal showers? Well, they are now a thing of the past. Instead of shelling out money to buy this tub, spring for a baby bath seat that is more useful, ergonomic, and child friendly. You can even fill it with baby bath essentials such as shampoos, bath soaps, lotions, oils, and a rubber ducky for fun.

4. Diaper Caddy

Most first-time moms fail to include a diaper caddie in their gift registry, thinking that they don’t need one, when on the contrary, it can be essential. Babies pee and poop around the clock and no mom would want to go back and forth lugging around a bag full of diaper supplies while carrying a crying infant in the other arm.

5. Pacifier Case

Pacifiers are a staple for any baby shower.  Unfortunately, pacifier cases are almost always forgotten. To make sure that your friend avoids the experience of losing or misplacing her baby’s pacifier, it’s best to give her a number of these cases before the baby arrives.

6. Temporal Artery Thermometer

Most moms think that a rectal thermometer is the best choice for an infant. Yes, it is the most accurate, but it is not always the most convenient. Getting a baby’s temperature while they are asleep and all covered up can spell trouble, which is why having a temporal artery thermometer on standby is an absolute necessity.

While these gifts may not be the most obvious or expensive of the things usually bought for baby showers, they are however the most practical.

Brenda loves writing about all things baby. For those in the process on conceiving, she recommends checking out your most fertile calendar days, and have a little fun with our calendar for gender prediction by due date.

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