
Find the Right Gift for your Co-Worker

Often times during the holiday’s workplaces engage in the Secret Santa tradition or organize a gift exchange, and it can be hard to choose corporate holiday gifts that are right. For those stuck on what to get, here are some gift ideas to start off with.

Whether it is for a holiday or not, there are plenty of appropriate gifts to consider bringing to work. A good place to start is with personalized office gifts. Anything that is personalized is that much more special and is usually a great hit among co-workers. Things such as personalized leather portfolios, engraved pen case sets, or even personalized paper weights will do the trick. It's simple and thoughtful all at the same time.


Another great gift is office decorations. These work, especially well as Secret Santa gifts as they are general and fit almost anyone. Things that liven up the office and bring a little energy to the room are great to give. Some ideas include calendars, small-office plants, small desk clocks, or small garden decorations for the room. Find out a little bit about your co-worker first and see what kind of styled decoration would best fit his or her personality. These gifts are fun to pass out.

Gift Baskets

When the holidays come around, picking out corporate holiday gifts gets a lot easier. You have the option to go with something festive or to stick with something original, and that gives you a wider range to choose from. If you want to stay in the festive mood, try getting your co-worker a gift basket filled with candles and scents pertaining to the holiday. Christmas gift exchanges are perfect for gift baskets filled with rose-mary scented candles, and plastic holly to place around the office. Depending on the person's preference you could even go for scented soaps as well.

Food Baskets

Holiday gift exchanges aren't the only time to hand out food baskets though. These work great outside the holidays as well. If you find out your co-worker's favorite fruit, candy, or nut, then you can give them an awesome snack sampler that will rock their taste’s buds. Coffee beans and teas are also great if your recipient is on a diet. It's hard to go wrong with someone's favorite food or beverage. The other holiday option is food. Flavored popcorn and gingerbread cookies go perfectly together in a Christmas gift basket. Each holiday has its own unique food basket to match. The brighter the variety of cookies and candy the better.

The perfect corporate holiday gifts are out there! Hopefully, your search for it has been made a little easier with these ideas. Good luck and happy hunting!

Brendan Kenny is a part of an elite team of writers who have contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites. Follow him @Beekayyyyyy.

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