
Top 5 Essential Items for Christmas Hampers

This article takes a look at the Christmas hamper, a traditional gift that has been forgotten somewhat and lost to commercialism in recent years, and how you can build a great one to give this year.

Hitting Back

Whether it be some Christmas catalogue that your granny subscribes to or one of those annoying leaflets that get posted through your door, every year we get invited to buy a Christmas hamper of some description. Of course, the big problem with these Christmas hampers is that they are not really very “gifty.” They merely contain a turkey, leg of lamb, and a plethora of other vegetables and essential ingredients for making Christmas lunch.

A real Christmas hamper is all about the gifts and contains all manner of things, not just meat, potatoes and Brussels sprouts! We looked at the five things every hamper should contain and that will make an ideal gift this Christmas.


No other real place to start, is there? Whether it is a bottle of expensive champagne or a more reserved bottle of red or white, a celebratory drink is almost always had at Christmas and should always have a central place in a gift hamper. If the gift receiver doesn’t drink then you can easily swap it out for juice or something equally as tasty.

Jams and Spreads

From the alcohol we continue down the path of more traditional hamper items, and jams and spreads perfectly capture the rustic and authentic feel that hampers were designed to encapsulate. Don’t head down to the local supermarket and just buy random jams from the shelf, however, visit farm food shops and other outlets where homemade and organic varieties are available.

Basic Foods

In keeping with Christmas tradition – and in the likely absence of gold, frankincense, and myrrh – it is always worth putting some basic food items into a gift hamper. Breads and pastas are the traditional ones and bring together the basic feel of a hamper brilliantly.

If you want to go more upmarket then you could always plump for luxury produce such as caviar and other indulgent ingredients.

Floral Effects

You do not need to go overboard and buy a huge bouquet, however having a floral element within a hamper will add to the special gift feeling attached to it as well as adding colour and potentially some great scents.

Personal Care

Not everything in a luxury hamper needs to be an edible consumable, so think about who you are buying for and perhaps bring in luxury bath salts or indulgent soap. Scented candles are also another great idea and go well in any gift hamper.

Put together your Christmas hamper with ease with these thoughtful ideas, and ensure you give a memorable gift this year.

Cachette brings your Christmas hamper ideas to life - things of simple beauty for your fine food.

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